I'm getting those figures from a Vend report and using their product list. To reiterate, I'm just trying to revert my stock quanties to an earlier date. And the likelihood over overselling or missing sales online is huge right now. Every minute they refuse/can't just help me do it is making the mess harder for me to untangle (with sales, inter store transfers and more going on). Meanwhile, we're now nearly two days away from the quantities we're trying to upload. It's been hours and I'm onto my third chat support person. After pulling my hair out for hours, I went back to support to ask them to just help but they insisted on combing over the files I'd created instead of just helping me to do it. The only thing I'd changed was the quantity.

except I had downloaded all the data including that column (which is system generated) directly from Vend. then the CSV wouldn't work and it turns out the upload was ignoring lines because of the 'ID' column.

I pointed out that I could just run an inventory report for the day before - not ideal as we had a lot of movement in that 24hours but better than their suggestion. Support's suggestion was to stock count our 30k items to get back to what it should be. They couldn't give me a log of the stock movements during that time, they couldn't tell me which transactions had caused duplicate stock movements (which was the issue which caused us to 'lose' about 10k items overnight). they take zero responsibility for helping with those at all). In the latest example, we have a serious stock issue caused by an integration (don't even get me started on integrations.

But when things don't go quite right - it's near impossible to get help (after years of using it, I pretty much expect a 'we can't do that' to even the most simple/intuitive of request or reporting you'd expect from a software company). When it works, it seems like a fairly simple, tidy POS.